As human beings, we have been living with animals for centuries. Some are for agricultural purposes, while others have become part of our homes and families. With the city life, the number of cats and dogs in our homes is increasing undeniably. Of course, this situation brings traumatic injuries with it. A recent large-scale study revealed a 68% increase in trauma cases entering veterinary clinics and emergency veterinary hospitals in recent years.

When we think of traumatic injuries, the first things that come to mind are falls from heights, car accidents, animal interactions, bite wounds, animal abuse. But is veterinary traumatology limited with these? Is it right to approach every trauma case in the same way? What about what we need to comply with in the intensive care unit after emergency trauma surgery? Sounds very confusing doesn’t it?

The above is just a very short summary of these chaotic emergencies, and in fact, the situation is bigger than that. So, are you ready for such trauma cases? Let’s ask the question in another way; Is your clinic and other doctors you are working with, you are having night shifts with are also ready?

For this very reason, we are honored to invite you to our “First International Veterinary Traumatology Congress” which will be held on 12-14 October 2023, under the umbrella of our University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine which has the history of 171 years and in the wonderful campus of our Veterinary Medicine faculty which has the history of 167 years.

World-renowned veterinary diplomats and professors will shed light on veterinary traumatology with 17 lectures, 4 workshops, case discussions and many more surprises.

In conclusion;
“Get ready to save lives”

Deadline for registrations: 1 of August 2023

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